Modern methods for life calculation of mechanical structures  

Learning Outcomes Successful completion of the course will lead the students to - understand and apply the state-of-the-art methods for determining the lifetime of engineering components subject to cyclic loading with constant amplitudes as well as to stochastic cyclic loading with variable mean loads and load amplitudes - determine the strength / fatigue life of engineering components (except welded structures) in dependence of the applied loading by means of calculational methods - assess the advantages, calculationa accuracy and the application limits of the tought calcualtional methods - determine the influence of materials, treatments and enviroment on the fatigue strength by means of experiments, calcualtion algorithms and models. General Competences Apply knowledge in practice Retrieve, analyse and synthesise data and information, with the use of necessary technologies Adapt to new situations Make decisions Work autonomously Work in teams Work in an interdisciplinary team Generate new research ideas Advance free, creative and causative thinking Course Content (Syllabus) Load sequences and load spectra, creation of load spectra according to the rainflow, range-pair and level crossing counting methods. Modern fatigue life calculation methods for engineering components: Nominal Stress Concept, Nominal Stress Concept, Local Strain Approach, Fracture Mechanics Concepts, all including exercises.
Modern methods for life calculation of mechanical structures

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